Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is your business performing as an athlete? Or struggling in last place?

It 's time that you deserve your Olympic gold medal and put your business on the podium where he belongs.

Vancouver is full of enthusiasm for the Olympics and it is not difficult to catch the Olympic fever. I am fascinated by watching athletes perform and I feel so inspired. Everyone has worked hard for the Olympic Games and some get very little financial support from their countries or their sport. It takes years of training, hard work and dedication to the development as an athlete andDo not do it alone. They must support a team of trainers, therapists, psychologists, and many families to make them his Olympic dream.

Alex Bilodeau, who won Olympic gold in freestyle moguls and men is a perfect example. In an interview with Randy Starkman of the Toronto Star, Bilodeau said, of all people who recognize him, his Olympic dream, but his brother, Fred, who had the biggest influence in his life have contributed. Bilodeau believes that his brother has infected attitudehim.

"I'm pretty sure it would not have the same stamina, if I grew up with him," said the 22-year-old from Montreal. "I am a person who never gives up, even in training. I'll fight until the last moment, until I crash really bad.

"In training, it is just like the competition and I fight to stop riding and not until a ski or something. Even then, try, fall again. I grew up with the mentality of 'If my brother would have a chance this wouldget it? He would try more? "I've always - I always - came to same answer, and it is:" Yes, he would try everything. "Therefore, I can do."

Although not all athletes to win Olympic gold, all strive to gain a place on the podium and realize their Olympic dream. As a personal trainer you can appreciate the commitment it takes to achieve this goal. It 's the same dedication and work that will get your company to earn gold.

Some concerns I have heard over the years as a fitness educator, andBusiness Coach is an independent personal trainer who often feel isolated. Find it difficult to juggle training customers to manage their activities and still have time for a private life. If you take a step back from the situation and analyze why these companies do not determine, on the stage like an athlete, you probably would, for the following reasons;

1) The lack of a clear focus and direction - companies that focus on the misconduct and the direction of travel around the world and often in completely the wrong way. Imaginean athlete to take a wrong turn on a cross country course. It 'hard to find the finish line, when you can not on the right track. This often happens when the trainers on many different approaches to marketing are trying to zig-zag in front of a strategy for the next reach any results. The secret of winning a gold medal for the economy is "Choose your course and concentrate on one task at a time.

For example, if you improve the traffic to your website and clicks into customers, thenThis will be your priorities and plans for the year. All business decisions are not about how to optimize your site and you'll walk away from the center of the web.

2) expectations and unrealistic goals - this is familiar? Customers who have this problem all the time, when it comes to movement and believe it or not come, so do personal trainers. It 's like an athlete waiting to win the gold, but I do not understand how to train properly for the event. These high expectations and unrealistic goalscoverage of marketing and attracting customers.

For example, the masters to publish a website and expect people to flock to their site and sign up immediately. However, they can not learn the time how best to optimize your website to increase traffic, how to make web copy that converts customers and a call to action taken. Surf Without an understanding of the details as the prospects of the Internet, teachers are often disappointed with their results.

3) spend too much time"Working in the" business rather than "work" of the business. In-service training and how is that going to this industry. However, it takes so much time and effort to build a society, as well as customers of the trains. The abandonment of this part of the business means that the dynamics do not lose fewer customers and less revenue. All the athletes did was exercise her body and work on their mental game, nutrition and injury management, how likely they would have earned a place in topthe Olympic Games? It 's a fine line between doing work you love and keep up with work to do to go.

The balance between education and helping businesses are some suggestions.

1. For each hour of training in Office 30 minutes.
2. Block office hours in your hour of training and not follow it.
3. At the beginning of your working time to pick up one or two activities you reach for that day. Let go of your to-do list of hundreds of terms.You'll never do anything and it feels just overwhelming.
4. Take time in your program for you and your workouts.

4) Try to do things they, yours. Earlier in this article I want to stress that an athlete does not make it to the podium on his own. You have a team of people helping in any way you can think of. When it comes to a successful business of personal training, there are many resources available today, that there are five, ten and even fifteenYears. There are books, magazines, courses, workshops, CDs, DVDs and business coaches to help the stress of running a business of personal training and learn how to do it successfully.

A coach who tries to do it alone, like an athlete to learn to train. While some may be more fully close before the game, too. It 's my experience as an educator and fitness business coach, only 10% of people who start a personal trainingThe companies get enough financial success that they remain in the area. This means that left about 90% of coaches in the industry because they do not earn enough to support themselves. I find that statistic to be quite alarming, especially since all it would take for many of these successful coaches is of some help.

I told you, the four obstacles personal trainer and their companies now have everything you need to do is your course in the right direction to move and rotateabruptly to success. There is no doubt that your company get on the podium and the gold medal is worth a lot of hard work, a clear goal and a commitment to be taken. But it's worth it when you hear the anthem is played, and you know it, because you deserve it. Go Canada Go!

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